Hey I'm Sara Paige! I teach movement & meditation in the Scottsdale, AZ area as well as virtually. I am a connoisseur of many styles of yoga, but my movement teaching style is largely informed by Yoga Detour Method led by Cecily Milne. Dr. Andreo Spina's Functional Range Conditioning and Dr. Moses Bernard’s Ultimate Spine course have both been instrumental in shaping my methods as well. I enjoy learning just as much as I enjoy teaching!
I am a Registered Yoga Detour Instructor, Team Leader for Detour Method Online online movement education program, and manage the Detour Virtual Studio, where you can practice with me and other RYDI's from across the globe. Your first two weeks are free!
The cornerstones of my non-dogmatic classes are exploratory movement empowered by the practitioner, self-paced and functional breathing, thoughtful sequencing, mindful transitions, and somatic inquiry. My classes are infused with FRC principles which often reveals new layers of awareness to familiar asana. My aim is to facilitate sustainable movement practices that foster curiosity and discovery. I prioritize function and feel over arbitrary alignment or aesthetics in the context of human movement. I recognize that restful and restorative practices are just as vital as rigorous physical practices, and my offerings reflect that diversity.
My classes are generally described as subtly challenging with direct & concise communication. My teaching style is approachable and light-hearted, while staying true to the sacred philosophies of yoga.
As I have matured, my own yoga practice has evolved. My personal practice is mostly centered around interdisciplinary movement exploration, meditation, and negotiating for space on my yoga mat with my spunky dog Tuffy. I am blessed with two children, Shelby and Sheridan. I enjoy the outdoors, adventuring and hiking with my husband Jeremiah.
Yoga Detour™ bridges the gap between the yoga practice you already love and the other movement practices you’re increasingly curious about. We are committed to raising the bar when it comes to the accepted standards of movement education, providing learning experiences that help cultivate physical literacy, movement integrity, and educational empowerment.
“Everyone remembers a teacher that made them excited about a subject. It’s quite special to be on the receiving end of the sort of passionate communication that makes you feel dedicated to a subject and eager to learn. Sara will forever be the instructor that made me believe in yoga, something I give to myself every week that I can no longer do without. I survive and thrive with the practice. She’s a compassionate, empathetic, confident and welcoming, gentle and stoic leader, and it’s a privilege to learn from her every week.”
- Jeffrey O., Scottsdale, AZ
“I used to think yoga was about flexibility and how a pose looks but Sara has taught me that yoga is about how my body feels and more so how good it can feel when I add strength and mobility movements. She is a clear communicator that makes me feel empowered and helps me to learn through my own exploration and experience on my mat. I fear I may be ruined for all other teachers comparing them to the sky high bar Sara has set!” Jennifer M., Scottsdale, AZ
“I wholeheartedly recommend Sara’s classes to students of any and all skill levels - I believe her empowering teaching style along with her unique focus on functional movement is something that can provide an incredibly strong foundation for a beginner just as readily as it can challenge and motivate someone with more experience on the mat. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from Sara - class with her continues to be a cherished and joyful part of my week and I could not be more grateful!“ Kelli C., Tempe, AZ
“Sara Paige is one the most educated yoga teachers I have been fortunate to learn from. She is articulate and deep with knowledge on all levels of body, mind and spirit. Her Restorative Classes and Nidra Sound Healing are incredible and deeply soulful. If there comes a day I could teacher train with her she would be the one I would go to. “
Jo Ellen F., Scottsdale, AZ